3 February 2016

Choreographic exploration 2016

Last week, we started a choreographic exploration project that will take several months. Over the weeks, we invite you to live this adventure with us through our social medias (Facebook and Twitter). We’ll post pictures, videos and snippet of the work we’re doing in the studio so you can more easily understand what contemporary dance is about.

For the first week, we were accompanied by Jean-François Duke, Odile-Amélie Peters and Ariane Voineau. This week, we receive Alan Lake, Fabien Piché, Léa Ratycz Légaré and Eve Rousseau-Cyr, in the studio. You will discover no less than 16 Quebec’s performers throughout the project.

Follow us every week on Facebook (facebook.com/lefilsdadrien) and Twitter (@lefilsdadrien) so you won’t miss anything.

Click here if you want to see what has been published since the beginning of the project.
